This is a board that shows up in season 2 and basically summarizes everything Dipper has learned so far.

I see this board as a simplified version of everything the fans have been doing over the entire series. Pretend Dipper is just one of us decoders, trying to figure out the secrets just as hard as anyone else. And he has a lot of theories and notes on that board that show up in our analyses of this show. This is further evidence that Alex is watching us. He tracks what is going on in the Gravity Falls fandom, and incorporates it into the show. Alex, if you're reading this, I'm onto you!

Now for my specific notes. First, the cryptogram on the bottom says "Why is Wendy so perfect?" using the Caesar cipher set three letters forward.

Next, there are several articles of the Gravity Falls Gossiper. At the time, it seemed Toby Determined might have seen some strange things and wanted to report them. But now we know the opposite is true: he wants (or wanted, anyway) to cover them up.

Finally, the string. In Scaryoke the string is red. But look closely and it is connected in the shape of an upside-down triangle, with a line underneath. Connect the line to the other points on the triangle and you get a circle. Hmmm... an upside-down triangle surrounded by a circle? Where have I seen that before?

The second part of this page deals with Dipper's "Who is the author" board from Society of the Blind Eye. After comparing the two, I realized that they are not the same board.

Suspicious townsfolk

Several people are shown on this board as mysterious townsfolk. They include:

Old Man McGucket (caption: not likely)

an old guy (caption: weird stache?)

the Summerween superstore worker (caption: hates us)

Shmipper (the kid who looks like Dipper from The Legend of the Gobblewonker)

the Lefty robot (caption: exploded)

Lazy Susan

Toby Determined

2 unknown people (caption on one of them is "What?")

Alex Hirsch (caption: Who?)

Other notes

Dipper has circled every occurrence of the letter F, probably due to the laptop's label, "Property of F"

Again, this looks like something Alex pulled directly out of the fanbase. All the clues used are common fuel for our theories, and Dipper connects them in the same way.